ChristopherS Cake Shop
Shop in Sydney
409 Bourke St. Surry Hills. Sydney, NSW, 2010.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about ChristopherS Cake Shop
In business for over 50 years, Christopher’s Cake Shop has proudly served the community our traditional and contemporary cakes and sweets. Four layers of vanilla sponge with two layers of Christofis vanilla cream and one layer of Christofis chocolate cream finished with a nice layer of Sofronis chocolate. Two layers of moist chocolate mud cake layered with our home style panache chocolate finished with a fine layer of Sofronis chocolate. Four layers of vanilla sponge and three layers of Christofis cream combined with a home style honeycomb and a Belgium white chocolate, topped with a toffee glaze. An Italian style baked ricotta filling on a continental shortbread base. A light cheese on a continental shortbread dusted with cinnamon. Three layers of crispy puff pastry and filled with our European patisserie and dusted with icing sugar. Rum cherries together with fresh cream and chocolate sponge. Two layers of savoiardi soaked in coffee and Marsala layered with a creamy cheese new cream and dusted with chocolate. Two layers of filo pastry occupied with almonds. A continental shortbread base with a layer of easy almond and covered in filo pastry and syrup. Two layers of filo pastry filled with our baked European patisserie and covered in a light syrup. Ricotta with a hint of patisserie and cinnamon folded in a lightly syrup ed filo pastry. A continental biscuit filled with cream. A customary Greek style orange and vanilla flavored biscuit covered with sesame. Our Miranda place is one which encompasses our desire as a family run business to exaggerate away from the European approach normal with other Christopher’s locations. Despite this, the area encompasses an eclectic combine of characters and community spirit which has supported and strengthen our business throughout many years. At Christopher’s Cake Shop, we are committed to creating the superior cake experience by making cake fantasies come true. A solid occupied and enthusiastic attitude. Aptitude to work under pressure autonomously. What store(s) are you applying for the position at? Are there any factors which would affect your skill to work? When a customer enters a Christopher’s Cake Shop, how long behind do you think they should be greeted? Should you bring your personal issues to work?.
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