Covent Garden Hotel
Hotel in Sydney
102-108 Hay St. Haymarket. Sydney, NSW, 2000.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Covent Garden Hotel
Here is some historical information about the architecture of the building: As the City Markets were moving into the area, the hotel was renamed in 1910 and became cogent Garden Hotel. Soon after, the hotel and adjacent terraces were demolished as portion of land resumptions for the market development. The name, cogent Garden Hotel, was retained and is quiet used today. From the 1950s, Chinese restaurants operated on the beginning floor of the hotel. The cogent Garden Hotel licensee was leaseholder of the empty land. In 1922, a threestorey infill extension to the cogent Garden Hotel was completed.
cogent Garden Hotel’s famous Karaoke Nights are a immense opportunity to gather around with friends and sing to your heart's content. cogent Garden Hotel has a full bottle shop on present including a important selection of local and international wine, spirits and beers. cogent Garden Hotel has a new Gold Class Tab with large screen plasma tbs to watch all race meetings and sport events. Karaoke central, cogent Garden, turn up with a fun attitude and you'll have a ball. The room is a cozy retreat with state of the art facilities including Sportsbet and interactive touch screens. cogent Garden Hotel’s famous Karaoke Nights are a vast opportunity to compile around with friends and sing to your heart’s content on a wide selection of classic and contemporary songs. Are you the after star to make karaoke history? Don’t be shy, grab the microphone and hit the stage and have merriment with friends on our Karaoke Nights! cogent Garden Hotel is in the heart of Chinatown. It is a huge place to meet friends for a catch up before a meal, concert or when shopping at Paddy’s Markets. We have a well stocked forbid with a long selection of craft, international and mainstream beers on tap. We have a immense beer garden for watching the world go by. With a gold class tab and dynamic VIP Lounge, cogent Garden offers everything you need.
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