Donaldson Coal
Mining in Sydney
Level 7, 167 Macquaire St. Sydney. Sydney, NSW, 2000.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Donaldson Coal
Donaldson Coal has made a commitment to support vital programs to address community issues. Donaldson Coal is committed to environmental management and creating definite outcomes in the area in which we operate. Exceptional career opportunities, loyalty and a real commitment to your safety. Environment Abel Operations community consultative committee. Environmental assessment approval documents. Environmental performance is critical to the victory of Donaldson Coal and the company conducts its operations to the maximum environmental standards across all sites. Donaldson Coal's environmental management plans are focused on minimizing the impacts of mining and set high standards for water management and air quality and land rehabilitation. In the under Hunter, Donaldson Open Cut's rehabilitation program continues to seduce attention for setting the greatest standards, with the land being returned to a standard equal to, if not higher, than its premising state. Equally crucial is a passion to work within a team and an affinity with our company culture and values. You hereby undertake the subsequent obligations: You trust that by doing this, Donaldson Coal has provided you with adequate notice of the variation and amendment. 'Donaldson Coal' means Donaldson Coal Limited, all of its related bodies corporate. A related body corporate means a related body corporate as defined in the Corporations Law of Australia. The Donaldson Conservation Believe has been set up specifically to fund environmental education, research, environmental management works or activities within State Conservation Area lands or other environmentally precious lands that lie within or above Donaldson Coal's mining leases, exploration licenses or other land owned by the company. To contribute to community welfare, Donaldson Coal has provided 250,00 on educational needs community works and other activities of profit to the communities within the Abel underground mine area. An additional 15,00 was made available for other projects of gain to the community within the Abel underground mine area. The purpose of this committee is to produce a forum for begin discussion between representatives of the company, the community, the council and other stakeholders on issues directly relating to the mine's operations, environmental performance and community relations, and to keep the community informed on these matters. Donaldson Coal conducts all operations in accordance with an environmental management system (EMS) based on ISO 14001 environmental standard. The exceptionally lofty standard of rehabilitation undertaken at the Donaldson OpenCut Coal Mine has set a fresh benchmark for superior practice rehabilitation throughout the Hunter Valley. The enhancement of restored vegetation to produce habitat and resources for native local fauna in the concise and long term. In addition, an annual study monitoring the recolonization of animals within the rehabilitated areas has also been commissioned. Thirtee
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