InfoisInfo Australia

Rest Point Motor Inn
Hotel in Sydney
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72 New England Highway,Glen Innes,NSW. Sydney, NSW, 2370.
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What you should know about Rest Point Motor Inn

John and Trish would like to advise that inline with the Prime Ministers announcement on Sunday 22nd March to enact Stage.One Restrictions, the Hereford Steakhouse Char Grill is closing immediately to members of the public. It will however remain operational to provide an extensive in-room dining option to our guests.
Motel,Hotel,Holiday accommodation service
Contact Name:

John McCluskey
Business Hours:

Sunday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Monday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Tuesday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Wednesday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Thursday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Friday 7:00 AM9:30 PM

Saturday 7:00 AM9:30 PM
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