Sylvester & Browne Lawyers
Lawyer in Sydney
Level 1, 299 Elizabeth St. Sydney. Sydney, NSW, 2000.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Sylvester & Browne Lawyers
We practice in various areas of law including. We are able to attend courts in most areas of MSW. We have also provided services in both Victoria and Queensland. Our advocacy litigation experience has been drawn from appearances at all levels of the court system including the Court of Appeal. Recently, we have also facilitated mediation sessions relating to both normal law and courteous compensation matters. Through our experience in regulatory enforcement, we remain to exceed the expectations of our clients in the liquor industry through thriving criminal defense, litigation and administrative review to ensure that our clients legal rights are protected. When required, we brief specialist Barristers to assist with pensive and complicated areas of law. As such, we believe that we present professional legal services that are second to none. Legal practitioners employed by Sylvester Browne Lawyers are members of the scheme.
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